
Showing posts from September, 2012


There's something about rain, Hitting grounds, slipping through drains. Soft then loud, crowded with clouds. No one speaks when nature is talking. Streets are gloomy yet colored with umbrellas walking. I sit on my bed with a book in one hand, The rain beats to the rhythm of my reads. My coffee rests on my bed side table, As the thunder reminds me when to sip and proceed. The rain keeps knocking on my window pane, It sings me a mellow lullaby. With my eyes half closed, I watch the plants rejoice. I gently fall asleep to the sound of rain's voice. *Inspired by a conversation with my best friend, Carmen S.

Things to remember.

As I vision myself looking out the windows of the plane that removes me from home, I know I will have things to remember. I will remember... 1. That even though I'm by myself, there'll be people that are there for me.  2. When I have an awful day, dad is just a phone call away. 3. Should I fall sick, mom's honey recipe is always a splendid remedy . 4. If I miss the skyline, post cards will display the images of  home guarantee.  5. Good times will be shared with the ones back at home, 6. I'll make regular phone calls to make sure no one's alone. 7. I won't forget the way I've been brought up and the principles I hold, 8. To represent my country with more pride than I owe.  9. To maintain a smile and mean it as much as I can, 10. Work out what life is gradually and have a flexible plan. 11. Facebook will be used to keep in touch with old friends, 12. Be forever grateful to the ones that comprehend, mend and cleanse me.  13. Since