
Showing posts from November, 2011


Our brain receives 4 billion information, But we only take in 4 thousand. This is why we have different truths, And a varied perspective, On a simple word like 'fashion'. We all posses our own 'truths', Hard for others to understand, Our 'truths' are just like the clothes we wear, "Armani, Levis, Brook Brothers..." Each with a unique brand. We don't always consent with people, When they have a different 'truth'. We can't seem to comprehend, With the illusion that- Your 'truth' is THE truth. When you don't agree on the 'truth'; With me- tolerate, And let it be, Cause when MY 'truth' comes to matter, You don't see what I see.

The tired reflection

I know reflecting is an important process, It's something we all should do. I'm required to do it for everything, For drama, for english, for TOK too. Can't we return to how it used to be, When we all saw and knew: Instead of reflecting just accept- That roses are red and violets, blue.