Tears, why'd you leave?

Listen to what I say because you belong to me,
You've lived in me for always - so
acquiesce to this simple request.

"Do not fall, it's what weaklings do."
I managed to force you in momentarily,
But rebelliously, you leave so voluntarily.

I breathe "Give me strength, don't leave when I'm like this."
"Be strong, be calm, we can do this."
While you desperately showed me I was wrong about this.

You form your own little pathetic army,
March out a way out of my eyes.
The legion is strong but I pay the price.

"STOP! That's enough." I sound like my mother,
You act like a child, doing the other.
I despise you tears, you try the suffer.

Feel my animosity, annoyance and anger
of your constant betrayal.
A little respect, I should most rightfully receive.

Now tell me tears, why'd you leave?


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