Valentines day 2012.

The other day I was hearing her spit rhymes,
Since today is Valentines and I thought I'd take up this challenge,
To see if I am ready for this climb - 
I don't have a complex struggling life. 
Not a life and death story to tell. 
No one ever tried shooting a knife, at me.
I got haters but they ain't messing if they shouldn't be. 

Still I do think I have all the rights
To wonder how everyone is celebrating,
On this arbitrary day we wait or hate for -
"My one and only" or "Forever alone." 
They be telling me in continuous repetition.
Over the phone or just in person.
Love is optional and if you're lucky it's a bonus.

"Sometimes it lasts in love sometimes it hurts instead."
Listen carefully to what singer Adele said.
Though love is like a fluctuating stock market,
People keep investing as it's exciting and worth the risk-
Like when you buy a new unheard CD disc.
If one day you ask,
"Is being in love stupid" 

I'd say- yes it is, but don't be computed,
There is no way to calculate, 
If only happiness is included and pain excluded.
Or if the relationship will ever be intruded.
See, we can't help it if cupid aims
And chooses to make us stupid - in love.
Rhyme concluded.


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